We make places.

We make places.

We make places.

We make places.

We make places.

We make places.

Our award-winning approach brings together architecture, urban design, landscape architecture & the environment.

We create value for clients through quality design for development, obtaining Consents and producing places of distinction. Our integrated proposals combine design, environmental consultancy and consultation. At Public Inquiry we successfully demonstrate rigour by careful evidence-based design, carrying this thinking through to development completion.

Consents Achieved Recently


Borrow House Farm, Surrey


Following an outline consent received in 2019, at Appeal, full consent has now been received for three modern houses and a traditional design, totalling 2,200 sqm. These four houses are all designed to avoid harm to the Greenbelt, be respectful to the adjacent Site of Special Scientific Interest and the landscape character, since the site is in a National Landscape. Heights of existing buildings needed to be reflected and the detailed design reconciles the need for large houses against these considerable constraints. This is a fusion of architecture and landscape to achieve a prestigious development.

Caddington Oaks


Following outline consent in 2019, Rummey Design has successfully gained consent for the Reserved Matters detailed design for 45 houses and apartments at Caddington, north of London, following the unsuccessful application by a previous developer. This comparatively dense scheme of 2 and 3 storey market and affordable houses and apartments is closely related to its surrounding landscape, and significantly enhances it, respecting the sentinel trees along the Public Right of Way to the north east side. This is a modern/traditional scheme aiming to set new design standards in the village, taking water attenuation and biodiversity as key drivers for design.

University of Southampton Science Park

Acting for USSP, Rummey Design is pleased to be commissioned to act as masterplanner to provide a 25-year vision to guide the development of the Science Park. Leading a multi-disciplinary team of planners, transport engineers, quantity surveyors and development specialists, and building on Rummey Design's track record at Oxford Science Park and a biotech Science Park, this complex brief requires proposals for an improved public realm and tenant environment; a more sustainable, less car dependent Science Park including potential new buildings, demolitions and refurbishments, pedestrian/cycle access, planning and development strategies, together with a costed and phased investment and implementation strategy.

Funtley Road South, Hampshire

Rummey Design has been successful, at Planning Inquiry, of gaining Outline Consent for 125 houses and Community Park together with community buildings, infrastructure, water attenuation and landscape regeneration proposals. Rummey Design's role was as Expert Witness and masterplanner for landscape, urban design and architecture, with client Reside. The Inspector's considerations ranged from parking strategy to the principle of development and landscape impact but these objections were all overcome to produce a landscape-led approach to the creation of a number of new neighbourhoods providing much-needed housing in the district.

Medway River, Kent

Acting as landscape architects, Rummey Design, with other consultants, has received planning consent for a major new site at Strood in Kent for developers Redrow. This 225 dwelling second stage is part of an important development regenerating the Medway riverside, close to Rochester Castle.